Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Half Past Autumn - Gordon Parks pt 1

1.On the day Gordon Parks was born, how did the doctor save Gordon's life? 
     The doctor brought him back by shocking him to life with an ice water bath that made him holler.
2. Where was Gordon born? (what state?) 
     He was born in Kansas on November 30, 1912.
3. What did Gordon's class adviser, Ms. McClintock, tell him about college? 
     She told him that "Negroes" just weren't suited for college and that his parents shouldn't waste their money.
4. How old was Gordon when his mother died? 
    He was 15 years old.
5. Where did Gordon move after his mother died?
    He moved in with his relatives in Minnesota.
6. Did Gordon graduate from college?
    He did graduate from college and earned a notable achievement.
7. How did Gordon begin his fashion photography career?
    He started in a women's boutique that was owned by Frank Murphy.
8. What is a "double exposure?"
    A double exposure occurs when the film records two separate photos, resulting in a blend of two photos.
9. Who was boxer Joe Louis?
    A boxer
10. What instrument did Gordon play? 
    Gordon played the piano ever since he was a child.
11. What was the purpose of the Farm Security Administration?
12. When Roy Stryker hired Gordon for the FSA, what was Stryker's first assignment for Gordon in Washington, D.C.?
     He documented life in black ghettos.
13. Who was Ella Watson?
     She was a cleaning lady in the restaurant who agreed to be photographed by Gordon.
14. What was the inspiration for Grant Wood's American Gothic?
       The Dibble House
15. What did Gordon learn from Stryker about photography?
      Gordon learned about bigotry, and photography. 

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