Thursday, January 22, 2015

Period 4 Semester Final

1. My favorite photo is the first one in the slideshow. First off, I like the contrast of the bright missile against the dark sky. I also like the trails of smoke at different distances from the camera.Second, I like the overall darkness of the picture. It adds a sense of mystery to the scene, especially when it contrasts with the brightness of the missile.Third, I also like the  reflection of the light from the missle on the water.

2.The best photo is photo 6. First off, the photographer managed to capture the forward motion of the car perfectly, by blurring the background and bringing the car into very sharp focus.Second, the exposure on this picture is good, not too bright or too dark. Finally the contrast between the grey sky and brown sand is very explicit and well thought out.

3. My best work this semester is Inspired by a Master- Laszlo Moholy-Nagy . The first reason that this is the best work i have done because it has lots of photos in it. Another reason that I think this is my best work this semester is because we chose such a hard photographer and it was a fun challenge to try and copy his style, but we got it done. The third reason that this work was my best was because we had to work in a group to complete it, which is usually a good experience. Working in a group is fun and produces better results than working alone.

4. My 3 rule of composition are depth, reflections, and subject off-center.

photo of Yuvraj
 This photo that I took represents 2 of my 3 rules of composition. The first rule that it obviously represents is having the subject off center. The second rule this represents is depth.

6. Your first rule of composition is to get closer.(to the subject)

7.Benefits of working in a group

  • You can share the work.
  • You can discuss ideas with others.
  • You can get ideas from others.
  • You can make friends.
  • You can have fun.
8. Difficulties of working in a group
  • Some people won't work.
  • Some people won't discuss ideas.
  • Some people will try to do everything and not leave work for others.
  • Some people will become your enemies.
  • Some people wont have fun.
9. My favorite work by someone else is this photo by Jacob Walter Period 4.

10. The photographer we studied was Laszlo Moholy-Nagy. Nagy contributed many things to the field of photography. Originally being a painter and an ardent supported of the Bauhaus style, Nagy eventually picked up photography and started taking pictures. Many of his pictures tend to have great depth and display mostly  geometric shaped structures such as rectangular buildings. Nagy's most important contribution to the photographing community was the opening of a school in Chicago called the institute of design. Although at first it does not seem like a design school could help photographers, it can help them. Knowing the elements of design can help one take better pictures that have a sense of structure and order in them.

11. Her most famous photograph is "Migrant Mother". The photo was taken in Nipomo, California. It was taken around  February or March of 1936. She was hired under the Farm Security Administration.

12. The founder of Life was Henry Luce. The first issue was published January 4, 1883.

13. He founded the venture Magnum Photos in 1947.

14. He took it  September 5, 1936 in Spain.

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