Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Final Exam

4. The single photo I have taken this year that has changed my view of photography is this one of my bird.

 This is the most transformative picture I have taken this year because I realized that a shallow depth of field is very useful for focusing on a subject. This photo has made me realize my style of photography, one where I get close to the subject and use a shallow depth of field.

5. Shape is the definite structure of a subject. The shape of the flower is clearly seen in my picture, as it stands out against the background. Form is more about how the structure of the subject interacts with its surroundings. The tree in my picture goes well with the sky and therefore demonstrates form.

6. Pattern is a uniform series of identical geometric shapes that fit well together and are very numerous. The repeating diamonds on the benches is a very good example of pattern. Repetition is less strict than a pattern. The objects or shapes appear multiple times, but do not have to be exactly the same or connected to each other. In my picture, the caution tape sign repeats, but not in the same way or at regular intervals.

7. My Weebly About Page.  One Photographer who inspired me was Dorothea Lange. This is her About Page

8. Commercial Shoot
    Presentation Project
    Final Project

I think my best work is the Final Project. This is because out of these three projects, I enjoyed photographing my pet birds the most. I also think I got the highest quality pictures from this project. The final picture of the Final Projects, the one seen in #4, helped me see a new way of photographing: getting up close to the subject and using a shallow field of depth to focus on them.